Insurance Requirements

As per AMDSB’s AP 550 Use of Facilities:

Any individual, group, or organization using school facilities assumes full liability for any losses of or damage to school property or neighbouring property resulting from such use. Each applicant must obtain adequate liability insurance coverage for the use of the school facilities.

All groups therefore are required to provide proof of liability insurance at the time of the school booking. If the group does not have insurance coverage, the Board will make arrangements to provide this coverage through Ontario School Board Insurance Exchange (OSBIE).

OSBIE offers facility user group insurance. This insurance is a general liability insurance that is designed to protect a person against any legal responsibility arising out of a negligent act or failure to act as a prudent person would have acted, which results in bodily injury or property damage to another party. This policy will provide protection for both legal defense costs and any compensatory damages that may be awarded.

There are some activities that OSBIE will not cover with this liability insurance. ​They include full contact Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Boxing, Skateboarding, BMX Biking, Ice Climbing, Rugby, Football (contact), Downhill Skiing, Archery, Fencing, Trampoline, Drones, Gymnastics, Roller Derby, and any overnight Camps.

If the user group is a not-for-profit organization and does not have liability insurance, the AMDSB will subsidize the cost of the insurance coverage through the Ministry CUS grant funding. The group will need to make the school aware that they require this coverage and complete the appropriate paperwork.

If the user group is a profit-making organization and requires the Board provided insurance coverage, the proper paperwork needs to be completed, and the cost of the coverage will be invoiced to the user group.