FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

One week in advance of the event is preferred; the sooner the better.
Yes, rates are based on the classification of an organization. We have 4 classifications:
  • Group A – Exempt From Fee which is youth related activities;
  • Group B – Cost Recovery/Adult Activity which is not for profit;
  • Group C – Commercial which is profit making;
  • Group D – Reciprocal Agreements with Reciprocal Groups.
A description of the classifications can be found in our AP 550 Use of Facilities.

In addition, when requesting a weekend permit at a school that is not on municipal water, there will be additional charges to have the custodian perform water duties. Schools can also require custodial presence for security reasons or large attendance events.

Our on-site staff need to be aware how many people will be entering the building. This information is also required for Ministry reporting.
The Ministry of Education has put a great deal of emphasis on the use of schools for youth related activities. This information needs to be reported to the Ministry on an annual basis, as well large quantity of attendees may require custodial presence.
The school Principal identifies spaces within the school that are available for community use. If classroom space has been identified at the school you are inquiring about it will be available for rental.Enter your text here...
Typically, gyms, auditoriums and cafeterias are the facilities approved for community use. If you wish to use another facility, please contact the Community Use of Schools (CUS) Coordinator to discuss at (519) 527-0111 ext. 240.
However, it is most likely that if the space is not listed you will not be permitted to use it.
On a school day, you can request anytime between 4 and 10:30 p.m. On the weekend, permits usually start no earlier than 8 a.m. and go no later than 10:30 p.m. (except for special events). If you require times outside of these hours, please contact the CUS Coordinator at (519) 527-0111 ext. 240.
Red indicates that there is a conflict with the date. That particular space is not available on the time or day you have requested. You can hold your cursor over the entry to receive an explanation. Click on it to adjust the time, day or school. Conflicts can be removed by clicking ‘remove’. All PD Days and board holidays (including March & Christmas Breaks) will show as conflicts. Well watered schools are not available through the summer months.
Permit holders may be allowed the use of the tables and chairs, gym equipment etc. as listed on the permit, if they are available at that school. The use of any equipment is at the discretion of the principal, and must be requested on your permit. If the equipment is expensive and/or specialized i.e. sound system, lighting, etc. then the school may want to charge for it’s use and/or want to have someone on site to run the specialized equipment. These arrangements vary from school to school and any arrangement is between the school and the permit holder.
Changes and additions can be requested through your permit on-line. At least 3 days notice is required. If there are numerous changes to your permit, you may be charged a fee. If you have any questions regarding this please contact the CUS Coordinator at (519) 527-0111 ext. 240.
There is a ‘discussion’ option in your permit. Enter your question there and the CUS Coordinator and/or Assistant will respond, or contact them directly at 519-527-0111 ext. 240 or 205.
No, there is a 4-step approval process for external permits. When you see the status of your permit change to ‘approved’, that is when final approval has been received.
Depending on when you input your request it could take a week or longer.
Once your permit has been approved, you will receive an e-mail copy. There may be some dates missing from your original request. Be sure to check the dates in the listing. You can go back into your permit to add additional dates on a different day, different time or different location.
Please review your approved permit for any changes. If the school has requested a custodial presence (whether just a 4 hr open/close or for the duration of the permit), the fees will have been added to the permit.
Please note: Additional charges can be applied to your invoice after the event has occurred if for example, the facility was left in a mess and/or damages were made to equipment or property, etc.
If the cancellation is received, 48 hours before the booking date then, no. If the cancellation is not received there will be a $10.00 no show fee added to the permit. To avoid extra charges, cancel a booking as soon as possible by contacting CUS Coordinator 1-800-592-5437 x240.
No. Custodial rates are different depending of your classification (Group A, B or C or D), and depending on the day of your booking. To see the rates, refer to Appendix B, Page 2 of AP 550 Use of Facilities.
As per AP 550 Use of Facilities – any individual, group or organization using the school facility must provide proof of liability insurance. If you or your group/org. do not have insurance, the Board can make arrangements to provide it for you through OSBIE (note: there are some activities that it will not cover ie. kickboxing etc.). Groups A & B that do not have insurance can be covered by OSBIE at no charge to the organization – the cost will be covered by CUS funding; however, Group C (Profit-Making) organizations must pay for this coverage if they do not have their own. For more information and details on insurance please visit our webpage or contact the CUS Coordinator at (519) 527-0111 ext. 240.
For payment we accept VISA, Mastercard, cheque or e-transfer. Invoices and/or statements are emailed out on the 15th of every month for the previous month's bookings (for example: a June 12th booking will be invoiced to you by July 15th). Credit cards are debited at the end of each month, for that month’s past bookings.
All use of schools by outside groups shall be cancelled when schools are closed due to inclement weather or any other causes beyond control of the school board.

Questions or concerns?

Please contact the Community Use of Schools Office at 1-800-592-5437 Ext. 240